The Cycle
A constant theme amongst the tribes of the Pacific North West of renewal. This theme appears in relation to Salmon People by the ritual of returning of the salmon bones and other remains to the waters from which they came. This practice is done as part of ritual, spirituality, and ecology.
The practice of returning the bones and remains of the salmon is adhered to by many of the tribes in this region. The Kwakiutl people demonstrate this ritual by wrapping the remains of the salmon in a food mat and tosses them back into the sea (Gunther, 1926). Geographical context varies here depending on if the tribe catches their salmon from the sea or the rivers that the salmon return to.
This ritual also has a spiritual connection. The tribes believe that in returning the salmon bones to the waters they honor the salmon. The bones allow the salmon spirit to go back to the deep ocean and return as a whole salmon the next season, which in turn “…ensure a healthy salmon harvest for the next year” (Amberson et. al., 10). This belief is communicated trough text in the story of the Salmon Boy.
To summarize the Salmon Boy story a young native boy is disrespectful of the salmon by not returning the bones to a river. Later he finds himself falling into the deep river and saved by the Salmon People, who take him to their home. There he is raised and learns to respect the salmon. He notices one salmon child with deformed arms and legs and realizes it was the bones he didn’t return to the water. He goes back to his people, tells them what he has learned and returns the bones back to the water. This story varies from teller to teller, but the core belief structure of respecting the Salmon People and the water and land that support the Salmon People are consistent.
Through this story we can see a connection to ecology. The practice of returning the salmon remains to the waters provides nutrients for the surrounding environment. These remains feed scavengers, insects, fungi, and other form of flora and fauna. In such a way completely a circle of life and brings about renewal by keeping the land and waters healthy and in balance.